Saturday, November 5, 2011

Mother/ Daughter phone calls

I love her. I love her more than I can even! I just can't take it, it breaks my heart talking to her. She's so negative & everything she talks to me about is just what she knows; my fiance, my money, me visiting & supposedly not wanting to spend time with her, & gossip about our family or whatever. It makes me crazy! I do everything I can to keep cool. It is just soo incredibly hard because I wanna yell because she attacks me with everything & then she plays the victim in every situation. I just want her to feel what it is to be loved & feel joy & peace in her life. She doesn't know that their is life better than hers. It kills me. I feel like a big baby, but I can't help it. This is my mom, I don't even care that I cry every time I get off of the phone with her or that I cry myself to sleep some nights praying my heart out for her. I refuse to sit here & let the enemy have a hold on my mom & my family. It's not okay. I have a life to live abundantly & that include my FAMILY that means my inheritance. That means the people that I'm connected to can be under my umbrella, they can have my anointing, they can have my fire, my peace, my joy, my love. Because that's mine. & I took back what the enemy stole from me not only for myself but for the people who don't know how to take it back for themselves. But they can only ride on my passion, & my fire for so long before it runs out for them. I'm doing everything I can to love her, love her like crazy; intentionally. Because she is important, she is beautiful, she is worth it--so worth it that He died, she's amazing, & funny, & lovely, & loving & caring. My mom is so much more than she settles for. She lets people's words & actions dictate her emotions like it's nobody's business. I'm saying STOP. NOW. This is my mother, the one person who loved me before anyone else, this is the person who has always been there no matter what. I don't even have other words. Danny Silk put it perfectly the other day when he spoke.
"Don't show them your anger & frustration, show them your broken heart."
No one understands how I feel specifically, even trying to sympathize with me isn't enough for me. I just need extra prayer & strength. I'm persevering to the promise Papa gave me. I believe in my mom.
This is my family, & I will not see it fall apart.
From the brokenness of a loving daughter.


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