Sunday, January 26, 2014

Now I get it..

When I was younger and I first got saved, I remember how we as teenagers were told to be careful in relationships with the opposite sex because of, 1. creating soul ties and 2. because when you enter into these relationships with people, you can take away from that person's future spouse. And for me specifically I didn't take it too much to heart. I didn't really read much into that because I wasn't planning on dating someone at that point unless it was going to last and possibly be for the rest of my life. As well as I was fifteen so who knows what I was really thinking-- but now I completely understand. I wish that I didn't know what this felt like. I have made my own mistakes and so has my future husband, sadly. We were too young and too stupid to understand what we were giving away. But now we have to clean up those messes and forgive, grow, learn, and move on. But I would never wish this on anyone or for anyone to have to go through. And that's honestly my two cents on the matter.

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