Wednesday, September 14, 2011

“Let it rain”

Right now things are in fact hard. However, I’m not gonna sit here & “vent” about how it is. I’m just pointing out fact. I won’t explain the entire story because it’s not entirely necessary. But the Lord is currently teaching me to let go. Of course that sounds easy but it’s not right now. In the current position I’m in, it’s a lot different than other situations I have delt with before. For me surrendering & letting go was always something I did not fear, nor should I, on account of Daddy loves me & has plans for me, and he’s taking care of everything. But right now, it’s intense. Serious crunch time, like I’m on the edge of my seat, like; “okay Dad, you can step in any time now.” I know that this whole thing is His glory but it’s like such a hard spot. I’m in this position of being STRETCHED. Like He’s really testing me here, in my faith & how much I trust in Him & His power. So many times when the Lord does not answer us the enemy thinks it’s totally okay & perfect timing for him to come in & bring anxiousness & fear. I refuse to let him think that he’s winning this. Because he’s not. My God is bigger, and stronger. My Dad is the provider, & I’m completely just trusting Him & His plan.
“God, I look to you. I won’t be overwhelmed, give me vision to see things like you do.”
“Cast all your anxiety on Him, for He cares for you.” 
Daddy, it’s all in your hands. I’m yours.
Jacquelyn Desiree<3<3 

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