Sunday, September 30, 2012

The quiet and intriguing Englishman

It started with two overly excited girls awaiting their turn in line to take their school pictures. When they turned around and noticed a very kind looking young man. The spunky young girl turned toward him with the usual huge inviting smile on her face. She introduced herself and he responded; "I'm Alex." "Where from?" she excitedly asked, "London" he replied. This got her more than ecstatic. Instantly she felt intrigued. As the days went on and school started they would find the time to say hello and ask the classic, "how are you doing?" Rather than parting ways however, they only grew closer as the nine months began to unfold. this young man became her best friend. And still she always referred back to when they really met up at a school picnic and talked for hours sitting off the river, eating fresh apples off the tree. They told each other their tales, they shared their lives stories that day-- in those important four hours spent by the river. Ever since then they became a team. Stuck like glue, inseparable  They told each other their hearts and dreams, and they grew a heart for each other  She always had a splendid time in his company. And the girl was thankful, and blessed by relationship with the quiet, yet exciting, and intriguing Englishman.